Is September 6th observed as a public holiday?

Is September 6th observed as a public holiday?

September 6 is National Defence Day in Pakistan, and the topic of whether this day is going to be a working day or will people have a day off has caused quite a heated debate on social media. It used to be celebrated on a Friday and is dedicated to the recognition of Pakistan’s military, especially its performance during the 1965 war with India.

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It is a patriotic day given the fact that it marks the successful fending off of aggression in the country. Nonetheless, the Federal Cabinet Division’s official notification of the public holidays for the year does not include September 6 as a public holiday. There are high chances that PM Shehbaz Shar if announces it a holiday today as it is a day of importance in the Muslim world.

This speculation originated earlier this year when May 28 was observed as Youm-e-Takbeer to commemorate the Pakistan nuclear tests. However, the government has officially declared Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH) holiday, which is the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the 12th of Rabiul Awwal.

The exact date of this holiday will be determined by the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee which is going to held today to see the moon of Rabi-ul-Awwal, the Islamic month in which birth of Prophet Muhammad took place.

The fact that the status of September 6 remains unpredictable is the evidence of the flexibility of the decision making process of public holidays in Pakistan, which, sometimes, depends on the pressure from the public or a major event in the country.



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