Nimra Khan the actress stopped her attempt to abduct

Nimra Khan the actress stopped her attempt to abduct

A few days ago, Nimra Khan, a beautiful actress, posted a video on social media in which she narrated how she had been attacked with a view to kidnapping her. Nimra narrated in an emotional video the near-kidnap experience that happened to her the previous day she shared her story.

Nimra stated that she was at one time at a hotel waiting for her car when three armed men confronted her. They followed her in their car and as she stepped out of her car, at gunpoint order her to get into their car. Despite fear the actress fought it off and afternull, managed to escape and started running on the footpath. Even more disconcerting it is to note that regardless of the fact there are people passing by none of them tried to assist her.

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Nimra performed the following account of how the armed men, who were intending to take her captive, chased her. This time she was lucky to flag down a car with a family inside who, together with the rest of the staff of the hotel, might have saved her from an even worse fate.

Reflecting on the incident, Nimra raised a profound and heart-wrenching question to her fellow Pakistanis: How can we attend Pakistan Day when our women are not save in our own land? She asked men if they can say with their chest that their sisters, wives, daughters, and mothers are safe in Pakistan to which she believes the answer is a painful ‘no’.

People have used the social networks to express their concern and anger over the incident, sympathizing with Nimra and urging the authorities act fast to punish the would-be kidnappers. This is because the case has opened the Pakistan society’s lid on the increasing insecurity of women in the country and the need to protect them.



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One thought on “Nimra Khan the actress stopped her attempt to abduct

  1. Obrigado, recentemente estive procurando informações sobre este assunto há algum tempo e a sua é a maior que descobri até agora. Mas e em relação aos resultados financeiros Você tem certeza em relação ao fornecimento

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