After 12 years of hard work, Pakistani cherry has entered the Chinese market

 Pakistani cherry has entered the Chinese market
Source: File Photo

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research Tariq Bashir Cheema announced on Monday afternoon that the government has succeeded in resolving the 12-year-old issue of market access Pakistani cherry has entered the Chinese market. It’s done.

An official statement issued here said that the General Administration of Customs China (GACC) has confirmed to the Department of Plant Protection (DPP) of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research that with the DPP Registered Pakistani exporters can export cherries from Pakistan to China.

Cheema emphasized in the statement that this is a major achievement towards boosting the exports of Pakistani cherry has entered the Chinese market the overall economy of the country.

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Tariq Bashir Cheema and Federal Secretary National Food Security and Research Zafar Hasan’s focus on bringing cherry exports and export quality to international standards was the main factor behind this success.

His visionary leadership and determined efforts to broaden the export base of Pakistani fruits were reflected in gaining market access for cherries, the statement said.

It added that this market access request was pending since 2012.

After video inspection of quarantine procedures, sanitary and phytosanitary measures of registered orchards, cold treatment facilities and DPP-registered packhouses, GACC allowed export of cherries as per the agreed protocol

The Department of Plant Protection took special steps to upgrade registered gardens, cold. Which will be made as per GACC requirements.

Guided in this direction, relentless efforts, including frequent technical compliance audits, have been undertaken by the DPP to ensure that these plantations and facilities are up to date through improvements in quality, storage and packaging as well as food safety and phytosanitary measures. Cherries can be exported.

Now 90 cherry orchards and 15 cold treatment facilities and packhouses can export cherries to China.

This is a great achievement of the Government of Pakistan where Department of Plant Protection Ministry of Trade, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), Gilgit-Baltistan Rural Support Program (GBRSP), Department of Agriculture Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), under MNFS&R. The Chamber of Commerce, with the close cooperation of Gilgit-Baltistan, was able to gain access to China’s exports.

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This is particularly good news for farmers in GB as their main source of income is based on this fruit.

Moreover, Pakistan being an agricultural economy can increase exports in other sectors as well as improve quality to global markets.

The agreement opens a gateway for further exports to international markets provided standards remain in place.

Further, the upgrading of more gardens and facilities is in the pipeline with DPP, to bring them up to international standards to capture larger shares in the premium markets of Asia, Europe, America (USA) and Australia. And they can also be registered for export to China.




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