Coronavirus 55 cases new reported in 24 hours across Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: On Monday, health officials reported that 55 new cases of the Coronavirus had been reported across the country in the previous 24 hours.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provided data showing that 14 patients were in critical condition and that the case positivity rate was 1.85 percent.

2,965 Covid-19 tests were performed, and there was no Coronavirus-related death in the last 24 hours.

In Lahore, there were 386 tests, out of which seven cases were confirmed with a ratio of 1.81 percent. In Gujranwala, there were 273 tests, and one case was confirmed with a ratio of 0.37 percent. With a ratio of 17.16 percent, 23 cases were confirmed from 134 tests in Karachi.

In the meantime, Abdul Qadir Patel, Minister for National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination, stated that the government of Pakistan has strengthened the Border and Health Services’ ability to deal with any Covid-19 subvariant.

The minister stated that the country had a surveillance system in place at all entry points, including airports. He added that passengers will be subjected to expedited screening and tests at each airport.

He added that the Covid-19 vaccine was already given to 90% of the country’s population.

He stated that Pakistan’s Border and Health Services was responsible for ensuring that international health regulations were followed. Coronavirus 55 cases new reported in 24 hours across Pakistan

He stated that the health system was fully prepared to deal with any countrywide sub-variant of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, including BF.7, in the event of an adverse circumstance.



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