How can you Apply for UAE Golden Visa? Details Here

How can you Apply for UAE Golden Visa? Details Here

Before, we used to travel to another country to look for jobs and we were allowed to stay only as long as our work lasted. However, the introduction of the UAE Golden Visa makes it different unlike before.

I bet you are wondering if this is a golden visa. Therefore, let me tell you that out of all the visa options in each country, the gold visa is the best visa type. Being a golden visa holder of a country is a symbol that you are a good status holder of that country.

What is UAE golden visa?

This visa is apart from them but it has a number of advantages to it. You end up being ranked in the second order, next to the passport holder and nationality holder there. What makes all these nations crave for golden visa from Dubai?

Some of the factors include the fact that, Dubai has turned into an international business center. Zero income tax, a unique fact over here! In simplest terms no matter how much money you earn you do not pay any tax for it. Then, are you eligible for a golden visa? 

To obtain this visa, you need a fund of 2 million dirhams or can hold a fixed deposit of 2 million dirhams in any UAE bank.

Other individuals that may receive UAE golden visas are people owning property with a value of over 2 million dirhams.

It should also be noted that if general managers or directors of the board require for a golden visa, then such people have worked from the company for at least five years and received at least 50 thousand dirhams as annual pay.

A person wanting to achieve a UAE golden visa while holding down a job should be having a contract of his trade which he is earning 30,000 dollars or more per month.

Also, somone lakke imam masjid under hus workad in away and were low three years may without avardid a golden visa.

How can you Apply for UAE Golden Visa?

Firstly, one has to stay in Dubai, and should at least be paid with thirty thousand dirhams each month if he/she works. In addition, a salary certificate and job contract are necessary.

A gold visa application, therefore, demands six months’ bank statement. Additionally, you will need to have a UAE Ministry of Education Equivalent if you possess any professional degree.

Through getting certified by consulate in UAE for your country, you can achieve equivalency after applying for it at Ministry of Education.

Additionally, you should have a valid passport, visa, and at least one-year health insurance policy. Such people having a Dubai visa can visit GDRAFA for example General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs in Dubai or Amir Center for processing their requests.

You go to the Amar Center with your documents, where you pay 2800 dirhams and any other taxes, after which your application is processed.

Then, they will issue you with Emirates Identity which will be inserted into their website for issuance of visa in less than a week at your home.

UAE Golden Visa Beneits

The golden visa lasts for ten years and gets renewed. This is a type of visa that is offered by the UAE government and it means simply that you are your sponsor as such no other person should be listed in place of them. Secondly, there is an international law where with a passport or permanent citizenship of any country, one should not remain in another country beyond 180 days while if one has a UAE golden visa they can remain after six months. However, even if you remain at some other place, your visa will not be cancelled.

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additionally, you will be able to provide golden visa for members of the family and people whom

Kaleem Ullah

Content Writer

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