Heat Wave Forecast in Pakistan: How Extreme Heat Affects Our Body and How to Avoid It

Heat Wave Forecast in Pakistan
source: File Photo

In different parts of Pakistan, severe Heat Wave is being experienced these days and its intensity is predicted to increase further this week.

The Department of Meteorology has warned in one of its alerts that for the next five days, different parts of the country will be under the grip of heat wave.

According to the Meteorological Department, the temperature may increase by six degrees Celsius in different parts of the country from Tuesday, June 20 to June 24.

The Meteorological Department says that the coming heat wave will affect the length of the country and during this time the normal temperature in every part of the country is expected to rise by another two to six degrees Celsius.

The Meteorological Department, the reason for this extreme heat is the high air pressure in the atmosphere.

During the period from June 20 to June 24, the daytime temperature may increase by four to six degrees Celsius in Upper and Central Punjab, Islamabad, Upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan-administered Kashmir, while in Sindh, South Punjab and Balochistan, the daytime temperature may increase by four to six degrees Celsius. The temperature is expected to be two to four degrees Celsius higher than normal.

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The Department of Meteorology, there is a possibility of rain with wind and thunder in some places in the plains and hilly areas of the country during this intense heat, but this rain will prove to be only a temporary relief.

The alert of the Department of Meteorology, “Due to the increase in temperature, the demand for electricity and water will increase in the coming days”, while the public should take precautionary measures to avoid the Heat Wave and go out unnecessarily during the day. It has also been instructed to avoid.

Heat Wave Forecast in Pakistan
Karachi get ready for ‘Feel Like 42’

During the heat wave coming this week, the temperature is expected to exceed 50 degrees in the hottest areas of the country. BBC urdu

During the last 24 hours, Sibi was the hottest region where the temperature was 47 degrees Celsius while Jacobabad and Nawabshah recorded 46 degrees Celsius. There is a possibility of

The Department of Meteorology, the temperature of the federal capital Islamabad may increase from 39 degrees to 44 degrees Celsius due to the increase in heat intensity.

The temperature in Karachi is predicted to go up to 38 degrees Celsius, but according to the authorities, ‘It will feel like 42 degrees Celsius, so be very careful.’

The organization, “during this time, the sea breeze will continue to blow in Karachi from the southwest, but the feeling of heat will prevail due to the increase in humidity in the air.”

Heat Wave Forecast in Pakistan

Even in Peshawar, the mercury can touch 45 degrees Celsius, while the effects of the heat wave will be felt even in Gilgit-Baltistan and during this time, the temperature of Gilgit is likely to go up to 44 degrees Celsius.

What are the effects of extreme Heat Wave on our body?

As the body temperature warms up, blood vessels begin to dilate. This causes the blood pressure to drop and the heart has to work harder to pump blood around the body.

It can also cause irritation marks on the body and inflammation in your feet. Along with this, due to the loss of water and salts in the body due to sweating, their balance in the body changes.

Low blood pressure can also cause a fever with these symptoms:

to feel dizziness
Be unconscious
To be confused
Feeling muscle spasms
Having a headache
Profuse sweating
Feeling tired

If the blood pressure drops too much, the chances of a heart attack increase.

Whether we are in a blizzard or a heat wave, our body strives to maintain a temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius. This is the temperature at which our body has learned to function.

But as the mercury rises, the body has trouble keeping its core temperature down. In these conditions, our body opens the blood vessels near the skin so that we sweat and lower the body temperature.

Sweat dramatically increases heat loss from the skin by drying it out. This process sounds simple, but it puts a lot of stress on the body, meaning that the higher the temperature, the more the stress on the body increases.
These open arteries lower blood pressure and our heart has to work harder to pump blood around the body. Leaking open arteries can cause symptoms such as swelling in the feet and itchy calluses.

But if the blood pressure drops too low, less blood will reach the parts of the body that need it the most and the risk of a heart attack will increase.

Pakistan must brace for even worse heatwaves

Move the affected person to a cool place

If the body temperature decreases within half an hour, there is no need to worry.

The British National Health Service recommends that:

• Move the affected person to a cool place

• Lay him down and raise his feet slightly

• Give him plenty of water, or rehydration drinks or drinks may be given
• Cool the affected person’s skin, spray it with cold water and fan it. Ice packs or ice can also be placed near the armpits and neck

However, if the affected person does not feel better within 30 minutes, it means they have heat stroke. This is an emergency and you should call medical personnel immediately.

People suffering from heat stroke may stop sweating even when they are hot.

After the affected person’s body temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, they may faint or have seizures.

Heat Wave Forecast in Pakistan

Who is most at risk, including children and the elderly?

Healthy people can protect themselves during a heat wave by using common sense, but some people are more prone to catching the flu. Older people or those with underlying medical conditions such as heart disease may find it difficult to cope with the stress that heat puts on the body.

Diabetes 1 and 2 cause the body to become dehydrated more quickly, and the disease can affect the arteries and the ability to sweat.

It is also important that you understand that your body temperature is too high and that you should do something about it. We don’t take it too seriously, but children and people with mental illnesses can be more vulnerable to heat waves.

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Homeless people will feel the heat of the sun more and people living on the top of flats will also experience higher temperatures. Heat Wave




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