30 pilots have left Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), causing a major crisis for the airline.

30 pilots have left Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), causing a major crisis for the airline.The pilots and their representative organization, the Pakistan Airline Pilots Association (PALPA), were incensed when PIA announced a salary cut of 35%.

The pilots have not received a pay increase in seven years, according to PALPA, which has been vocal in its opposition to pia pilot pay the salary cuts.

pia pilot salary per month Additionally, private airlines are being paid Rs. 9 lacs to the primary officials and Rs. 16 to 18 lacs to the captain, which, according to the organization, is insufficient to provide a decent standard of living.

pakistan international airline news Additionally, PALPA mentioned that PIA’s highest-ranking captains are paid close to Rs. 7 lacs.

As a result, more pilots are getting ready to quit, increasing the airline’s already-strained workload.

Interestingly, PALPA added that the names of these pilots were included on the list of 262 fake licenses. According to PALPA, these pilots have been offered employment opportunities by world-class airlines that are willing to pay them significantly higher salaries. pia airline pilot salary

PALPA says that most PIA pilots are now going to foreign airlines for better pay. This means that PIA doesn’t have enough experienced pilots. pakistan international airline jobs



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