After completing one year of PDM government, PTI released white paper

Lahore: On the completion of one year of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) government, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf has PTI released white paper.


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan said in a video link address regarding the white paper, where were we standing a year ago and where are we standing today?


Former Prime Minister Imran Khan said that he thought the conspiracy started from America, but the actual conspiracy was done here.

These people caused serious damage to the country’s economy during one year, during Corona we faced a lot of criticism.

He said that these people came only to finish their corruption cases, 60 percent of the cabinet was on bail, they passed the NAB law and finished the corruption cases worth 1100 billion rupees, in our 3 years, NAB recovered 480 billion rupees. As soon as they came, they installed their servants on NAB first, they made FIA ​​to make cases on us.


Imran Khan said that when Raja Riaz became the leader of the opposition, the opposition in the parliament ended, now Toshah Khana will also end. Mari Hai, Nawaz Sharif and Zardari are going to be trapped in the Tosha Khana case, we will also bring forward the vehicles they have stolen.


Chairman PTI said in the video link address that the ban imposed on us has never been imposed in the history of Pakistan’s democracy. has been destroyed, instead of improving the country’s economy, they are busy making fake cases against us. PTI released white paper


Imran Khan alleged that there was a conspiracy to kill me, activists were missing, there was a conspiracy to kill me like Murtaza Bhutto in the court premises, Shibli Faraz was tortured in the court premises.


Earlier, PTI’s Head of Media Affairs Fawad Chaudhary said that one year of Pakistan’s worst fascist government has been completed, a year ago, the night when a government was imposed by turning off the country’s lights.


He said that the eternal struggle of the people is a metaphor of light against this night, in a few weeks this dark night will end and the power will be transferred to the people.  PTI released white paper




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